Yvette Brooks


When Yvette thinks about food she thinks about how it brings people together; the colours, sounds and smells it creates and most of all the happiness it brings.

Yvette’s business, Red Hot Kiwi Company, makes authentic Mexican hot salsa that’s as vibrant as her character. Yvette’s love of Mexican food started on a road trip in America where she lived for 16 years before moving back to New Zealand.

Yvette defines the moment that “she really found food’ after falling upon a beautiful collection of Mexican shops and restaurants in San Diego and enjoying a Fajita with family and friends. The colours, smells and sound of sizzling food was a feast on her senses.

What appealed the most was the way Mexican food is eaten, family style - with corn chips and salsa always starting a meal and really setting the tone for what’s to come.

After experimenting with tomatoes and chilies, and with Yvette’s husband Chris making his own corn chips, they started selling Mexican salsa at the Oratia Artisan and Te Atatu markets. Since joining The Kitchen Project, they’ve expanded into both the Grey Lynn and Titirangi markets.

The vision for the Red Hot Kiwi Company is to be the salsa that all chefs and restaurants use and that every home has in their fridge.

Yvette is grateful for the enormous benefits of being involved with The Kitchen Project saying the mentoring, knowledge-sharing and comradery is second to none. “It’s so important to do what you love, and we are driven to growing our business so that it becomes both our job and our lifestyle”.

Folloe Yvette on Facebook.

Keen to try Yvette's food?


Find Yvette at Oratia Farmers Market on Saturday's or at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market on Sunday's.